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General information of

Market Development Grant(MDG)


1. What is MDG?

The Market Development Grant (MDG) is a reimbursable grant (reimbursable financial assistance) started in 2002. The maximum amount given to each successful company is RM200,000. Companies who have fully utilised their MDG grants will not be eligible for a new grant.

[Note that all MDG reimbursements are subject to the availability of government funds.]

2. Why is MDG offered?

The purpose of MDG is to assist Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Professional Service Providers, Trade & Industry Associations, Chambers of Commerce and Professional Bodies in increasing global sales by undertaking eligible export promotion activities.

3. Who is eligible for MDG? 


Businesses and organisations that fall under the following three groups will be considered for MDG: 




  • Incorporated under the Companies Act 1965 or Companies Act 2016

  • With at least 60% equity owned by Malaysians.

  • Manufactures products that are made in Malaysia or provide services for export that originated from Malaysia, and

  • Meet the following defining criteria:

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  • Incorporated under the Registration of Business Act (1956) or registered under the respective statutory bodies for professional services providers.

  • With at least 60% equity owned by Malaysians.

  • Exporting Malaysian services and fulfill one of the following criteria: 

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  • Registered with the Registrar of Society (ROS) or Associated Professional Authority. 



4. What requirements must I meet to be considered for MDG? 

  • Meet eligibility requirements as stated under Item 1.3. above.

  • Fill all required information. Please ensure that information on your company is up-to-date.

  • Existing MDG recipients who have not fully utilised their entire RM200,000 grant, must also update their company information before reimbursements of eligible export promotion expenses can be processed. You may check the particulars of your company at

  • The company MUST be an ACTIVE business entity, in operation for at least 1 (one) year or more. Dormant companies that do not meet this requirement are not eligible for MDG.

  • The company must NOT be a Government Linked Company (GLCs) or have any government equity (federal or state) in its shareholding.

  • Companies will not be eligible for MDG if they are fully subsidised or sponsored by any third party for example, Ministries or Government Agencies or Trade and Industry Associations or Chambers of Commerce or Professional bodies and others. However, companies who received a partial subsidy from a third party can still be considered for MDG reimbursements for airfare, accommodation or participation fee depending on what expenses were subsidised.


5. How do I submit my new application and request for reimbursement of expenses?

All COMPLETED applications MUST be SUBMITTED ONLINE through MATRADE’s website at

Submissions for reimbursements must be:

  • Within 30 calendar days from the last date of the promotion activity for: 

    • International Trade Fairs or Exhibitions held locally or overseas;

    • Trade & Investment Missions (TIM) or Export Acceleration Missions (EAM);

    • International Conferences held overseas.


  • Within 30 calendar days from the first day of listing in Supermarkets, Hypermarkets, Retail Centres or Boutique Outlets located overseas.


MATRADE appreciates on-time submissions that meet all documentation requirements. Delays in processing occur when you submit incomplete documents. As MDG is an audited activity and is subject to strict timelines, late applications cannot be considered. 

credit to Market Development Grant (MDG) 2019 Guidelines, MATRADE

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